The Biden Administration has proposed a comprehensive Immigration Bill, with a substantial list of reforms and changes to our current law systems. Contact us today!

La Administración de Biden ha propuesto un proyecto de ley de inmigración, con una gran lista de reformas y cambios a nuestros sistemas legales actuales. ¡Póngase en contacto con nosotros hoy!

Providing Passion & Experience We are ready to put our knowledge and legal expertise to work for you.

Seeking Asylum in the United States?

Mary Ann Romero & Associates Can Help

Asylum is the protection granted by the United States to individuals who feel they cannot return to their native country because of the possibility of physical danger inflicted on them by the government there. An individual may apply for asylum if he or she has been in the United States for less than one year, and can include his or her spouse and dependents on the application if they are currently in the U.S. If family members are still in the home country, the applicant here may also petition for a spouse and children to be brought from their home country for asylum.

If you are seeking asylum in the United States, contact Mary Ann Romero & Associates for help today! Hablamos Español!

Qualifications for Asylum

An Albuquerque immigration lawyer at Mary Ann Romero & Associates can help you seek asylum for the protection you and your loved ones need. Due to the time restrictions involved with applying and obtaining asylum, it is important to contact us as soon as possible in order to avoid deportation. If you aren't sure if you meet the requirements for asylum, be sure to contact us and we would be happy to schedule an affordable consultation directly with Mary Ann Romero to discuss your specific situation.

A person may seek asylum from persecution in their home country due to:

  • Race
  • Religious beliefs
  • Political beliefs
  • Social status

We can help make your dreams a reality

We are aware of the lengthy and complicated process involved in applying for asylum in the United States, and we are prepared and qualified to help you every step of the way. We can work tirelessly to help fill out your application completely and correctly, and submit it as soon as possible. We are here to help you and make your dreams of living here in the United States a reality.

For legal assistance with your asylum application, don't hesitate to call us today.

Are You At Risk for Deportation?

Enforced deportation can be an extremely upsetting and frightening situation.
Seek legal help immediately to avoid being separated from your family, job and life.

Our Deportation Defense Experience